Schlafstörungen überwinden
Der Ratgeber für einen besseren Schlaf

Schlaf ist keine Zeitverschwendung, sondern eine notwendige Phase der Erholung und Regeneration, die uns auf die Herausforderungen des Alltags vorbereitet. In einer Welt, die zunehmend von Stress und Hektik geprägt ist, wird der Schlaf oft vernachlässigt – mit gravierenden Folgen für unsere Gesundheit. Dieser Ratgeber soll Ihnen als wertvolle Ressource dienen, um die vielfältigen Ursachen von Schlafstörungen zu verstehen und gezielte Maßnahmen zu ergreifen, um Ihre Schlafqualität nachhaltig zu verbessern.
Pages | 57 |
Version | 1 |
Type | Guides |
Topics | Health & Wellness |
Other available Formats and Languages | |
Ebook (pdf) | English, German, Italian, Spanish, French |
Audiobook (mp3) | - |
Print (at Amazon) | English, German, Italian, Spanish, French |
Table of Contents
1. Einleitung
2. Die Grundlagen des Schlafs
3. Die Ursachen von Schlafstörungen
4. Die Auswirkungen von Schlafmangel
5. Schlafhygiene: Die Grundlage für guten Schlaf
6. Entspannungstechniken für besseren Schlaf
7. Medikamentöse und nicht-medikamentöse Behandlungen
8. Erholsamer Schlaf trotz Stress und Sorgen
9. Schlussbetrachtung
10. Weiterführende Ressourcen
Additional Resources (13)
Hello Sleep, Goodnight Insomnia: A 7-Step Drug-Free Guide Utilizing CBT-I and Sleep Hygiene to Sharpen Focus, Enhance Performance, and Support Restful Rejuvenation at Any Age by Dr. William Grist MD
This book provides a 7-step, drug-free guide using CBT-I and sleep hygiene techniques to improve focus, performance, and rejuvenation for better sleep at any age.
Supercharge Your Sleep: The Holistic Guide to Improving Sleep Quality, Reducing Stress, Increasing Energy, Boosting Productivity and Living a Healthier Life by Dr. Jordan Burns
This holistic guide offers strategies to improve sleep quality, reduce stress, increase energy, and boost productivity for a healthier, more balanced life.
Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams by Matthew Walker
In this groundbreaking book, Matthew Walker explores the power of sleep and dreams, revealing their critical role in overall health and well-being.
The Sleep Solution: Why Your Sleep is Broken and How to Fix It by W. Chris Winter M.D.
Dr. Winter explains why sleep problems occur and offers practical solutions to help you fix your broken sleep and get better rest.
Insomnia Decoded: Break the Cycle of Sleepless Nights by Audrey Porter
This book provides insights and strategies to break the cycle of sleepless nights, helping you achieve restful sleep naturally.
This Book Will Put You to Sleep: (Books to Help Sleep, Gifts for Insomniacs) by Professor K. McCoy
A lighthearted book designed to help you relax and drift off to sleep, perfect as a gift for anyone struggling with insomnia.
Sleep by Nick Littlehales
Nick Littlehales, a sleep coach, reveals how to optimize sleep cycles and boost energy, challenging the myth of needing eight hours of sleep.
Quiet Your Mind and Get to Sleep: Solutions to Insomnia for Those with Depression, Anxiety, or Chronic Pain by Colleen E. Carney PhD
This book offers solutions for those struggling with insomnia, particularly those dealing with depression, anxiety, or chronic pain.
SNOOZ Smart White Noise Machine
This smart white noise machine helps mask background sounds, creating a peaceful environment that makes it easier to fall and stay asleep.
Wake Up Light Sunrise Alarm Clock
This alarm clock simulates a natural sunrise to help you wake up more gently and start your day feeling refreshed.
Ultra Pain Relief Cooling Pillow for Neck Support
This ergonomic pillow provides neck support and cooling relief, helping to alleviate pain and improve sleep quality.
Sleep Eye Mask for Men Women, Zero Eye Pressure
This contoured sleep mask offers zero eye pressure, providing comfort and complete darkness for a restful night's sleep.
Dr Teal's Sleep Spray with Melatonin & Essential Oil Blend
This sleep spray combines melatonin and essential oils to promote relaxation and enhance sleep quality.