Sicher verhüten

Ein Ratgeber über moderne Verhütungsmethoden

Die richtige Verhütungsmethode bedeutet nicht nur Schutz, sondern auch Kontrolle über die eigene Zukunft. Dieser Ratgeber bietet fundierte Informationen über die Vielfalt moderner Verhütungsmethoden, um Menschen dabei zu unterstützen, eine bewusste und informierte Wahl zu treffen. Der Ratgeber soll Ihnen als zuverlässige Quelle dienen, um Ihre sexuelle Gesundheit zu fördern und Ihre Familienplanung zu unterstützen. Ziel ist es, nicht nur Mythen zu entkräften, sondern auch die gemeinsame Verantwortung in der Partnerschaft zu stärken.

TopicsHealth & Wellness
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Ebook (pdf)English, German, Italian, Spanish, French
Audiobook (mp3)-
Print (at Amazon)English, German, Italian, Spanish, French
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Table of Contents

1. Einleitung
2. Überblick über Verhütungsmethoden
3. Natürliche und Barrieremethoden
4. Hormonelle Verhütungsmethoden
5. Langzeit- und Notfallverhütung
6. Verhütungsmythen und Missverständnisse
7. Verhütung und Partnerschaft
8. Schlussbetrachtung
9. Weiterführende Ressourcen

Additional Resources (8)

Affiliate link disclosure: If you purchase a product through one of the links below, we receive a small commission. There are no additional costs for you.

Contraception: A Concise History by Donna J. Drucker
Donna J. Drucker provides an accessible and concise overview of the history of contraception, exploring its evolution and impact on society, from ancient times to the modern era.

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The Handbook of Contraception: Evidence Based Practice Recommendations and Rationales by Donna Shoupe
This comprehensive handbook offers evidence-based recommendations and rationales for contraceptive methods, providing healthcare professionals with practical guidelines for contraception management.

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Contraceptive Technology by Robert A. Hatcher
Robert A. Hatcher's Contraceptive Technology is a highly regarded resource, offering detailed insights into various contraceptive methods, their effectiveness, and practical applications in clinical practice.

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Managing Contraception by Robert Anthony Hatcher
This guide focuses on helping healthcare providers and individuals effectively manage contraceptive methods, offering clear advice and up-to-date information on family planning and contraception options.

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Digital Basal Body Thermometer, 1/100th Degree High Precision
This digital basal body thermometer provides highly accurate temperature readings to help track ovulation and fertility, making it a useful tool for natural family planning and pregnancy tracking.

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Easy@Home Smart Basal Thermometer, Large Screen and Backlit, FSA Eligible, Period Tracker with Premom
The Easy@Home Smart Basal Thermometer offers a large screen with backlighting for easy use, and works with the Premom app to track fertility and ovulation cycles, supporting family planning.

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EContra One-Step® Emergency Contraceptive
EContra One-Step is a single-dose emergency contraceptive pill designed to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex, containing Levonorgestrel and offering a fast and effective solution.

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Take Action Emergency Contraceptive , Levonorgestrel
Take Action is an emergency contraceptive that contains Levonorgestrel, intended for use after unprotected sex to prevent pregnancy when taken within 72 hours.

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