S’exprimer avec Confiance
Un Guide sur le Langage Corporel et la Rhétorique

Maîtriser votre langage corporel et votre rhétorique signifie prendre le contrôle de la manière dont vous êtes perçu. Ce guide montre comment combiner des signaux non verbaux et un langage persuasif grâce à des techniques ciblées, afin d’apparaître confiant et authentique en toutes circonstances. Avec des approches scientifiquement fondées et des exercices pratiques, ce livre offre une voie claire vers une présence accrue et un impact efficace, tant sur le plan professionnel que personnel. L'objectif est de vous fournir les outils nécessaires pour laisser une impression durable grâce à une communication claire et une expression ciblée.
Pages | 50 |
Version | 1 |
Type | Guides |
Topics | Personal Development |
Other available Formats and Languages | |
Ebook (pdf) | English, German, Italian, Spanish, French |
Audiobook (mp3) | - |
Print (at Amazon) | English, German, Italian, Spanish, French |
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Fondements du langage corporel
3. Les éléments du langage corporel
4. Principes psychologiques d'impact et de persuasion
5. Comprendre et utiliser la rhétorique
6. Prendre la parole avec assurance en pratique
7. Combiner langage corporel et rhétorique
8. Méthodes d'entraînement pour une présentation parfaite
9. Conclusion
10. Ressources complémentaires
Additional Resources (8)
Body Language [3-in-1]: 73 Techniques & Tips for Reading People Through the Art of Nonverbal Communication. Analyze Expressions, Understand Behaviors, and Influence Situations by Using Physical Cues by Kirstin Rae Evans
A comprehensive guide offering 73 techniques to read body language, understand human behaviors, and influence situations by decoding nonverbal cues.
How to Read People Like a Book: Master Social Cues, Body Language and Facial Expressions; the Power of Non-Verbal Communication in Decoding Human Behavior by Erica May
This book explores how to decode human behavior using social cues, body language, and facial expressions, providing tools for mastering nonverbal communication.
How to Analyze People: Reading People, Body Language, Recognizing Emotions & Facial Expressions by Bradley Fairbanks
An insightful resource on understanding emotions and body language to analyze people and their intentions effectively.
The Secrets of Body Language: An Illustrated Guide to Knowing What People Are Really Thinking and Feeling by Philippe Turchet
An illustrated guide that uncovers the secrets of body language and helps readers understand what people truly think and feel.
The Psychology of Facial Expression (Studies in Emotion and Social Interaction) by James A. Russell
A scholarly exploration of the psychology behind facial expressions, focusing on how they convey emotions and impact social interactions.
Annie and the Secret Language of Faces by Annie Sarnblad
A unique book introducing children to the art of interpreting facial expressions and understanding emotions through engaging illustrations and stories.
Body Talk Animated: The Big Kid's Course in Body Language; FUN Fundamentals in Your Life and in Animated Movies by James O. Pyle
A playful approach to learning body language fundamentals, combining real-life applications with insights into animated character design.
The Science of Facial Expression by Louis Kuhne
A classic text offering a scientific perspective on facial expressions and their connection to human emotions and health.