Arrêtez de Fumer
Le guide pour une vie sans tabac

Le tabagisme est l'une des principales causes de maladies et de décès évitables dans le monde. Malgré les risques bien connus, le recours à la cigarette reste une habitude tenace pour beaucoup de gens. Ce guide s'adresse à tous ceux qui ont pris la ferme décision d'arrêter de fumer et qui recherchent du soutien et des conseils. Il offre des informations solides et des stratégies pratiques pour réussir à mener une vie sans tabac. L'objectif est de surmonter la dépendance à la nicotine, d'établir des habitudes saines et de mener une vie épanouissante et sans fumée à long terme.
Pages | 58 |
Version | 1 |
Type | Guides |
Topics | Health & Wellness |
Other available Formats and Languages | |
Ebook (pdf) | English, German, Italian, Spanish, French |
Audiobook (mp3) | - |
Print (at Amazon) | English, German, Italian, Spanish, French |
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Comprendre Pourquoi On Fume
3. Les Conséquences Sanitaires du Tabagisme
4. Prendre la Décision
5. Stratégies pour Arrêter de Fumer
6. Gérer les Symptômes de Sevrage
7. Rester Sans Tabac à Long Terme
8. Conclusion
9. Ressources supplémentaires
Additional Resources (8)
Allen Carr's Easy Way to Quit Smoking Without Willpower by Allen Carr
This book presents Carr's renowned method for quitting smoking by changing your mindset, eliminating the need for willpower.
Quit Smoking: Rewiring Your Brain to Never Crave a Cigarette Again by Kristopher Novak
Novak offers strategies to rewire your brain, aiming to eradicate cigarette cravings and support a smoke-free lifestyle.
Learning to Quit: How to Stop Smoking and Live Free of Nicotine Addiction by Szuanne Harris
Harris provides practical advice and techniques for overcoming nicotine addiction and maintaining a smoke-free life.
Board introduces a groundbreaking approach to quitting smoking, focusing on understanding and overcoming the psychological traps of nicotine addiction.
My gift to help you quit smoking: Stop smoking and stay nicotine free. Why I started to smoke cigarettes and how I liberated myself from the tobacco addiction by Peter Kruse
Kruse shares his personal journey from smoking addiction to freedom, offering insights and strategies to help others quit.
Quit Smoking Naturally: How To Break Free From Nicotine Addiction For Life Without Side Effects by Dr. Brad Turner
Turner provides a natural method to quit smoking, emphasizing a side-effect-free approach to overcoming nicotine addiction.
I know you like to smoke but you can quit now by Andreas Jopp
Jopp addresses smokers directly, offering a motivational approach to quitting and reinforcing that it is possible to stop.
The Illustrated Easy Way for Women to Stop Smoking: A Liberating Guide to a Smoke-Free Future by Allen Carr
Carrs illustrated guide tailored for women, focusing on a simple and empowering method to achieve a smoke-free future.